Cigar Informer Contributors Wanted
16 August 2018

Cigar Informer is looking for individuals that self identify as cigar enthusiasts to join our panel of contributors to write for the Cigar Informer website. Have you ever dreamed of seeing your name on the by line of a popular article headline? Are you a cigar enthusiast who loves to talk about cigars and cigar lifestyle? Do you enjoy doing cigar reviews? Accessory reviews? Drink reviews? Well if you answered yes to any of those questions then you might just be what we’re looking for.

Cigar Informer is a group of avid cigar enthusiasts who love the entire experience cigar smoking provides, and we’re looking to include you! We are not owned by any cigar manufacturer or distributor, allowing us the freedom to post unbiased reviews, real cigar news, and lifestyle articles that appeal to the cigar smoker. As a contributor with Cigar Informer you will be on the front lines of providing valuable, knowledgeable and insightful information to the rest of the cigar community. You, and the content you write will be featured on the Cigar Informer website, shared with our followers on social media and somewhere along the line, fellow brothers and sisters of the leaf will start to associate your name with the cigar information they trust most!

Contributors are a volunteer position, as without sponsors Cigar Informer has no real budget to pay employees, again we are a community of enthusiasts – but we can provide you with a platform to make your voice heard, and along the way hook you up with Cigar Informer merchandise, cigars to review, accessories to try and who knows what else.

If you’re interested in becoming a contributor for Cigar Informer please contact us using the contact page on the website or shoot us a message with your name and email contact information on social media, or email us directly at so we can discuss your coming on board. No experience is necessary, no technical skills required, we can help you along your way! We look forward to collaborating with you!

Disclaimer: Some of the links to online retailers provided within Cigar Informer articles and reviews may be affiliate links. Cigar Informer participates in affiliate programs with several online retailers – the purpose of which is to help support this website and provide funds for cigar and accessory purchases for review. 



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