Thompson Cigar Co. is an online cigar and accessories retailer based out of Florida, USA. Founded in Key West, in 1915, now located in Tampa, Thompson Cigar Co. is the oldest mail order cigar company in the country. Today, Thompson Cigar runs the single largest...
Retailer Review: Cigar Place
Cigar Place History Cigar Place is an online cigar retailer based out of Florida, USA and its origins started with Julian Gomez in 2005. Julian began as a one-man show going door to door selling cigars to small tobacco shops in Miami. In a short period of time,...
Retailer Review: Best Cigar Prices – 5/5 Stars
Our personal experience with Best Cigar Prices has been outstanding despite our recent discovery of them. Some long time loyalists to Best Cigar Prices might think we’ve been living under a stone to never have heard of BCP until just last year, but hey, it’s better late than never! So lets take a look at what is one of the best online cigar retailers in the industry and see how they stack up.
Retailer Review: – 4.8/5 Stars
Cigar Page is currently our favorite online retailer to purchase cigars and accessories from. They have a decent selection of cigars which has been consistently expanding, they have the best prices we have seen across the web, and they provide exceptional products. If you haven’t experienced Cigar Page for yourself you don’t know what you are missing. We took a change a couple years ago on a retailer we had never heard of, and they quickly became our go to source for premium cigars – and we think you might feel the same way. If Cigar Page could get on board with new release cigars they would probably be the first and only online retailer to receive 5 stars across the board from us.
Retailer Review: – 3.5/5 Stars
Retailer Review: Stogie Boys Stogie Boys is an online retailer based out of Pennsylvania that claims to be “America’s finest cigar shop” – a pretty bold claim considering the plethora of other online retailers on the market! According to their website, Stogie Boys was...