For the discerning cigar aficionado, the experience extends beyond the cigar itself. A range of accessories enhances the enjoyment, maintenance, and overall experience of smoking cigars. These tools not only serve practical purposes but also add a touch of...
The Timeless Appeal of Cigars: A Journey into the World of Premium Tobacco
For centuries, cigars have been synonymous with luxury, celebration, and relaxation. From the smoky lounges of Havana to the private clubs of New York, cigars have carved out a unique place in the world of indulgence. But what is it about cigars that captivates...
Buying Cigars as a Gift
Is there a cigar aficionado on your gift list? Wondering how to choose a decent cigar for a friend or loved one? Even if you know nothing about cigars or choosing a good cigar, just learning a few basics can help you sniff out (sometimes literally) a good cigar to...
The Anatomy of Cigars
Cigars are comprised of surprisingly few component parts. Unlike cigarettes, which usually have filters, two different kinds and colors of paper, and filler ingredients other than tobacco, premium cigars are made of 100% tobacco. What makes one cigar so different from...
Cigar Types and How to Find Your Perfect Stick
Congratulations, you're a cigar smoker! You can now proudly join the ranks of Hollywood's elite and some of our nation's Founding Fathers. Given that cigars are one of life's great pleasures, it's important to take a moment every now and then to enjoy your new hobby....
Tips & Tricks: Humidor Seasoning
If you’re going to be a cigar smoker you must have a place to store your precious puros, and in order to make sure that you keep your sticks in perfect smoking condition, you need to know how to properly setup and season a humidor before the cigars even make it to the...